Kaleton Web s.r.o. is a team of qualified specialists oriented on success and leadership in the market.

We always try to combine our business goals with our understanding of user behavior. Having talented and dedicated professionals in our team, we love what we do and we always do our utmost to get the best results.

Our Values


Whether we face difficulties or any unforeseen circumstances, we stay dedicated and finish the job properly. Kaleton Web s.r.o. makes no excuses and never drops projects.


We believe that every one of our specialists is a crucial part of the greater machine. Our power comes from our togetherness. Every person in Kaleton Web s.r.o. is respected and valued. Each of our team members is highly motivated and rewarded for excellent results.


Do it right or don’t do it at all. This is our main rule concerning any stage of development of our projects. We have high company standards that we always stick to. Our staff are highly capable and we are always investing in their development.

Our Approach

A job that brings pleasure is a real prize. We love what we do and we do everything to the very best of our ability. Every new project is an amazing experience for us and we are highly motivated to straddle new heights!

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