B2C Platform

We believe that the key to our business success is to be always accessible and available to our customers. As we live in a technology driven world, we always need to seek new opportunities for business promotion to increase our audience. Developing our own B2C platforms gives us the ability to control each process of our business. As people choose portability and 24/7 access, it is essential to develop mobile apps along with traditional websites.
Kaleton Web s.r.o. is focused on developing B2C mobile apps, as they have a huge list of benefits. Interaction with customers and business associates via smartphone offers the opportunity to use not just a keyboard, but also cameras, microphones, GPS, etc. The ability to track locations and scan barcodes enhances the functionality that enriches client relations.

To be always on top, we start by analyzing our competitors’ operations, and then determine the steps we can take to surpass them. We keep a constant eye on the future in order to develop platforms that will stay relevant. We are always aware of the recent advancements in our field and use this knowledge to build perfect platforms.